
My experience as a clinical psychologist enables me to bring a heightened awareness of the complexity of interpersonal relationships to the dispute resolution process. As a mediator, I work with couples, families, friends, and colleagues seeking to address disagreements with a structured goal-oriented approach. The mediation services I offer include:

Mediation to Stay Married:

Drawing on my Mediation to Stay Married training I work with couples to help them articulate clear expectations and address specific areas of misunderstanding and tensions in their relationships.  This service is designed to help couples create informal contracts and clear agreements to address their disputes.

Mediation to Develop Parenting Plans:

This service helps couples navigating separation and divorce develop parenting plans to meet their children’s needs, as well as their own.  I also provide post-divorce mediation to address families’ ongoing evolving concerns. In addition, I offer referrals to parent coordinators and other psychotherapists.

Click here to contact Dr. Arons for a consultation.